Archive for the ‘National News In Education’ Category
Inter-University Program for Latino Research
Friday, September 16th, 2011The Inter-University Program for Latino Research, is a consortium of
University based centers dedicated to the advancement of the Latino
intellectual presence in the United States. IUPLR works to expand the pool
of Latino scholars and leaders and increase the availability of
policy-relevant Latino-focused research. With headquarters at the University
of Notre Dame, and Washington DC, IUPLR work to strengthen the network of
centers and to enhance their institutional capacity. IUPLR objectives are to
promote comparative, interdisciplinary, and policy-focused research; develop
collaborative national programs that support Latino students and faculty in
higher education; established collaborative projects with scholars in the
arts, culture and the humanities; and to disseminate publications generated
by the IUPLR national network of scholars.
Centro at Hunter College, CUNY and the Dominican Studies Institute City College, CUNY are members.
See their website for information on conferences, grants and national news in Education and Latino Studies.
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Supports CUNY’s Decade of Science; $1M Grant will Support Early-Career Scientists – CUNY Newswire – CUNY
Monday, August 8th, 2011The CUNY Pipeline Program
Tuesday, June 14th, 2011The CUNY Pipeline Program is designed to provide educational and financial support to underrepresented CUNY undergraduates interested in pursuing the Ph.D. in preparation for college-level teaching and advanced research in any discipline except law and medicine. The CUNY Pipeline Program seeks to recruit students from groups currently underrepresented in our nation’s universities.
Pipeline Program Outcomes Class 2010-2011
This year has been a year of transition for the Pipeline Program. The principle guiding these changes has been to integrate all the activities of the OEODP office to support each other. As a result, the Black Male Initiative was used to assist in the Pipeline recruitment process, and the Graduate Center Presidential Magnet Fellows (the top graduate students from underrepresented groups) were for the first time deployed in a structured mentoring program to assist the Pipeline students based on their own experience in successfully applying for graduate school. This is a very important principle which was difficult to implement but which has yielded unprecedented success. See attached brief.
CUNY Pipeline Recognition Ceremony
Friday, May 27th, 2011Last night I had the privilege of attending the 20th Annual Recognition Ceremony for the Graduating Seniors of the CUNY Pipeline Program for Careers in College Teaching and Research. Twenty-one students completed the program. They will continue to distinguish themselves as they pursue graduate education in schools all over the country. These are truly high achievers and engaged scholars. Congratulations! Twenty-seven young scholars will be participating in the Program in 2011-2012.
For additional information see