Arizoñando by Ed Morales on Exhibit at Hunter College School of Social Work and Gallery on 119th NYC

Desde adentro de la galería, cerca de la esquina de la 119 con la Tercera avenida, puedes mirar por la ventana y ver lo típico del Barrio, estilo Nueva York. La constante de la guagua de mantecado Mr. Softee alborotando sus cantos pregrabados que muchos denuncian como el gran enemigo de la paz. Pero esta ventana, en el primer piso del nuevo edificio del Hunter College School of Social Work no es muy  típica, de hecho es un portal que funciona como máquina de tiempo del viejo Star Trek, estilo bomba-Cortijo.

“The project began with the bike,” said Miguel Luciano, whose installation is part of an exhibition called “Labor,” produced by the Centro de Estudios Puertorriqueños and also features work by Melissa Calderón, Antonio Martorell, Juan Sánchez, and Nitza Tufiño. “I was talking with the Puerto Rico Schwinn Club about the history of the Schwinn bike in Puerto Rico and associations between the bicycle and Puerto Rican culture. Julio Clavijo, the PRSC president recalled that his earliest bicycle memories were of his father’s bicycle. The kids weren’t allowed to ride it because their father used it for transportation to work in the cane fields in La Cantera (de Ponce). This intrigued me, the association between the Schwinn bike and labor in Puerto Rico.”

(See link for the full-length article. )

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